It's been a busy 10 days in the Moose community, we almost did not have time to tell you all about how successful our Maine Moose watching tours have been! We've had some really exciting moose safaris with some special encounters. On August 19th we saw a total of five Maine moose, two of which were HUGE bulls! The next day, our group tour spotted yet another big bull moose, causing a frenzy of excitement from some of our younger guests. The big moose stuck around for a few days, giving several of our group moose watching tours and private moose safaris plenty of opportunities for picture taking- who knew moose were so photogenic! One family traveled all the way to visit the Moosehead Lake Region from Scotland. They had such a great time on their moose watching tour that Al drew up a fantastic sketch of one of the moose he saw!
In addition to all of the big bull moose we've seen, we've also gotten the rare opportunity to get up close and personal with some of the littlest moose out there- the little baby calves! Normally, Mama Moose is so protective of her baby that it can be dangerous to get too close. On August 17th, one cow left her calf to venture to the other side of the pond to eat. It was a very rare opportunity to observe a little calf playing on his own while Mama Moose gets some dinner. Just two days before, we watched as a cow called to her calf and the calf ran to her to have his dinner! It's always interesting to be able to watch the interactions between mother and calf in a truly natural setting.