We have come to the point in the season where Maine's wildlife becomes more and more active preparing for the upcoming winter. On august 27 we enjoyed the company of three couples, two from Maine and one from Pennsylvania. This was a bluebird day with temps in the mid 80's which made for an excellent night on the pond. Two loons were present on the pond and created a great atmosphere for our evening paddle. Two bulls were spotted late which brought excitement from the group, ending the trip on a very successful note. On our private moose tour that evening our guest were able to spot a mother and calf feeding in the woods. Other wildlife on this tour included Whitetails, Great Blue Heron, and the highly elusive wood ducks. This group was very happy to see the mother and calf feeding in their natural environment. Next we had the pleasure of meeting a father and son from Italy. This was a great experience for us as well as this father and son duo. We love taking people on these trips to see their first moose, that's what it's all about. Although it was a windy day we saw three moose including a mother and calf feeding on the pond. Pictures and memories that will last these guest a lifetime make doing moose safaris all worth while. On august 29th the weather was beautiful and the moose were enjoying it. We explored with two couple from St. Petersburg Florida they were treated to three moose, a fox, and Whitetail. Two of the moose were a mom and baby feeding on the pond, the other was a unique photo opportunity of a bull standing in a brook. Lastly, August 30th we had a diverse bunch from all over including a couple from Maine that had twenty years experience with Maine Department Inland Fisheries and Wildlife. On this trip one nervous bull was spotted by the group and was not feeling very photogenic this evening. The group was still excited to see him even though it was briefly.
Friday, August 31, 2012
Wildlife Is On The Move
canoe moose tour,
evening moose tour,
Maine moose safaris,
Maine's wildlife,
private moose tour,
wildlife experience
Wednesday, August 22, 2012
Scenic Wildlife Tours!
This morning, Northeast Guide Service had a group of ten people go out on a morning moose watching tour. The weather showed patches of clouds, but soon cleared into a bright and sunny morning. The group was made up of a couple from New York, a couple from Kansas, a couple from Alabama, and a family of four from Connecticut. While on their morning moose tour, the group saw two moose as soon as they got to the pond, and then saw two more while paddling along on the pond. They also got to listen to loons sing a beautiful morning song, what a great way to start the day.
canoe moose watching tours,
Moose Safari with Northeast Guide Service,
scenic morning moose watching tours
Tuesday, August 21, 2012
A Big Family and a Big Moose!
Yesterday, August 20th we had a family of 6 from Wisconsin take a evening moose watching tour with us. It was so nice and sunny out, it was the perfect night for a relaxing moose tour. While on their tour, the family saw a huge bull moose out on the pond eating lily pads. They also got to see loons sing a beautiful song and hares scamper through the road
Relaxing Morning Moose Watching Tours
This morning, August 21st we had a couple from New York take a morning moose watching tour with us. The morning started out with a slight drizzle of rain, but soon cleared up. While on their moose watching tour, the couple didn't see any moose, but they got to see other great creature that call Maine their home such as loons, hares, and foxes.
maine moose watching tours,
Moose Safari with Northeast Guide Service,
morning moose watching tours
Scenic Sunday Moose Tours
Sunday, August 19th we had a group of 10 take an evening canoe moose safari with us. It was quite humid and sunny out for 4 o'clock in the afternoon. The group of 10 was made up of a family of four from Canada and a family of six from New Zealand. While on their moose watching tour, the families got to see one moose on the pond. They also got to see other great wildlife that inhabit Maine; such as deer, loons, and a hare. What a scenic and relaxing way to spend a Sunday afternoon.
Saturday, August 18, 2012
Eager for Moose!
This morning we had a family of 6 from Pennsylvania go on a moose watching tour with us. It was nice and sunny at 6 am this morning, a great way to start the day off. The family showed up this morning bright eyed and bushy tailed eager to see moose! While on their tour, the family saw two moose on the pond. The family also got to see loons, hares, and deer while on their morning moose watching tour. The family was so happy to see moose on their last day in the Moosehead Lake region.
Friday, August 17, 2012
Scenic Morning Moose Watching Tours
This morning, we had a couple from New Jersey take a nice scenic moose watching tour with us. At 6 o'clock this morning it was already sunny out! The couple come to Maine every year, but realized that they have never seen a moose while being up here! They finally decided to take a moose safari hoping that with a guide that knows the area he would know where to find the moose. They had the right idea, but unfortunately the couple didn't see any moose while on their tour. However they did see other great wildlife that Maine has to offer such as deer, loons, and a red tailed hawk!
Best Moose Watching Tours In Maine
Last night, we had seven people join us for a scenic moose watching tour. The rainy day cleared up just in time for the tour. The group was made up of a mother and two kids, two sisters from Florida, and a young couple from Ontario. While on their moose safari, the group saw one moose. They also saw some other great wildlife that inhabit Maine such as deer, loons, foxes, and turkey vultures! They even got to hear the howl of a coyote.
canoe moose safaris,
evening moose safari,
Maine moose safaris,
maine moose watching tours,
scenic moose watching tours
Thursday, August 16, 2012
Big Day Of Moose Tours
Yesterday we had three moose watching tours go out! The day started off rainy and cold, but then warmed up a bit in the afternoon, and cooled back down later in the evening. The first tour was for 12 guests made up of four couples and a family of 6 from Miami. While on their tour, the group didn't see any moose, but they got to see two loons sing a beautiful song on the pond. The second moose watching tour was an evening moose tour for a group of ten friends from Rhode Island. While on out on the pond, the group of friends saw two bull moose! They also got to see loons, deer, and hares on their tour. The third tour was also an evening moose watching tour. This moose tour was for a couple eager to see moose. While on their tour, the couple got to see two moose also! They also got to see an eagle, hawk, and three rainbows!
Scenic Moose Watching Tours in Maine
On Tuesday, August 14th we had two moose watching tours go out. The day started out foggy in the morning and then cleared up and got nice and sunny. The first tour was a morning moose watching tour that began at 6 am. The morning tour was for five people made up of a family of three and a couple from Alabama. While on their moose tour, the group didn't see any moose, but they got to experience other great Maine wildlife such as deer, loons, hares, and a fox. The second tour was an evening moose watching tour for a couple from Kentucky. The wife couldn't get over how beautiful the area is and loved the mountain views. While on their tour, the couple saw two moose; one on the roadside and one in a stream. The couple also got to see loons and deers.
evening moose watching tours,
great maine outdoors,
great maine wildlife,
moose tours,
moose watching tours,
morning moose watching tours
Scenic Couple Vacation Ideas.
On Monday, August 13th we had two moose watching tours go out. The weather was hot and sunny! The first tour was for two couples from Rhode Island. While on their moose tour, the couples only saw one moose on the roadside. The couples also saw deer, hares, and loons while on their tour. The second tour was a private moose watching tour for a couple staying at Cozy Moose. While on their tour, the couple only saw one moose also, they got the great experience of seeing and hearing a loons sing a beautiful song while they took a leisurely canoe ride around our pond looking for moose.
evening moose watching tours,
private moose watching tours,
scenic couples retreat,
scenic moose watching tours
Monday, August 13, 2012
There's Moose Everywhere!
Last night, August 12th we had two moose tours go out. With the past few days of rain it's been nice to have some sun again. The first tour was a private moose tour for a couple from Iowa. While on their private moose watching tour, the couple saw 6 moose; two on the pond, one in a stream, and three on the roadside! The couple also got to see loons and hares while on their safari. The other moose watching tour was for a group six made up of three couples all from New York. While on their tour, the couples only saw one moose out on the pond, but they saw other great wildlife Maine offers such as deer, loon and hares! The weather is warming up again, but there will be a few more showers in the week to come which moose love. It's the perfect time to see some moose!
Sunday, August 12, 2012
Here, There, Everywhere Moose!
Last night, we had eleven people come on an evening canoe moose safari with us. The group was made up of two girls from Montreal, a family of three, and a few couples from Pennsylvania. The weather was foggy and rainy, but no worries because moose love that kind of weather! Last night's moose safari saw five moose; three on the pond a two on the roadside. The group also saw a deer, loons, and hares. Greenville definitely needed rain since we hadn't got any in weeks, and with the past few days of rain we've seen plenty of moose! Lets keep this trend going!
Rainy Days Are Bringing Out The Moose!
On Thursday night we had eight people join us for a moose safari. The weather was humid, but wet and rainy. The group was eager to see moose...always the best spirit to be in on our moose tours. While on their tour, the group saw six moose! four on the pond and two on the road side! The group also got to see deer, loons, hares, and four foxes! The group definitely got what they were looking for, an abundance of moose sightings!
Thursday, August 9, 2012
Best Moose Watching Tours in Maine!
Last night, we had two moose tours go out. The weather was beautiful and sunny. The first tour was a private moose watching tour. The tour was for a couple from Virginia who were avid moose watchers when they come up to Maine. While on their private tour, the couple saw two moose one on the pond and one on the roadside. The couple also saw other awesome wildlife such as loons and hares and even a big hawk! The second moose tour was for two families, one from Mass and the other from Michigan. While on their group tour they saw two moose also, both on the pond and they also saw loons and hares. With beautiful weather and plenty of moose sighting it was a great night for Northeast Guide Service.
Tuesday, August 7, 2012
Never Too Early For A Moose Tour!
This morning, we had a group of seven go out on a morning moose watching tour with us. The weather was chilly, but with signs that it would break and be warm again. The group was made up of a family from Rhode Island and a couple from Florida. While on their moose watching tour, the group saw one moose on the pond, 5 deer on the roadside, and 3 loons on the pond. With a nice cool and calm morning it was the setting for a nice relaxing a scenic moose watching safari.
Scenic Moose Tours in Maine!
Last night, we had two evening moose watching tours go out. The weather was clear, but a tad cold once the sun started to set. The first tour was for a group of nine made up of families from New York, New Jersey, and Florida. While on their tour, the families saw one moose on the roadside! Although the group only saw one moose, they saw four deer come and greet them at the pond. Also while out on the pond, they saw two loons, and three hares on the ride back. One person from the group fell in love with the beautiful mountain views they saw while on the tour. The second tour was for a group of seven made up of families from Texas and Virginia. While on their tour, they saw one moose also. They were also greeted by deer at a pond and loons singing their beautiful songs. Although only two moose were seen, and the night was a bit chilly, the group got to see other great majestic Maine wildlife and see the breath-taking views of the surrounding mountains.
evening moose watching tours,
maine moose watching tours,
northeast guide service moose watching tours
Monday, August 6, 2012
Best Family Vacation Idead While in Maine!
Last night, we had a private moose tour go out for a big family of 8! It was nice and warm outside, but not much sun was shining. The family was really excited for their tour, because none of them had ever seen a moose before. While on their moose tour, the family saw a total of three moose, two on the pond and one on the ride home. The family also got to see other great wildlife that Maine has to offer such as deer, loons, and hares. The kids in the family were so excited about the tour and so happy when they got to see moose! We're glad the family had so much fun with us!
Friday, August 3, 2012
Best Maine Vacation Ideas for Families!
Last night, we had two moose safaris go out. The weather was a bit unpredictable changing from sun to rain every few minutes. The first moose tour was for a group of six made up of three couples. While on their tour, the couples saw one moose on the roadside. The couples also got to see three deer and a hare. The second moose tour was for 7 people made up of two families. While they were on their tour, the group saw one moose on the pond. The group also saw deer, loons, and hares on the roadside. Even with the weather being wacky, both tours had lots of fun and were a lively bunch. Two more great moose tours for Northeast Guide Service.
best family vacation destinations,
canoe moose safaris,
evening moose safari,
moose safaris,
scenic moose watching tours
Thursday, August 2, 2012
Moose Tours For History Buffs!
Last night, we had a husband and wife go on a moose safari with us. The husband explained that he is a huge history buff and he's been dying to come up to the Moosehead Lake area because of all it's rich history. While on their vacation, they visited Kineo, took a ride on the Katahdin, camped at Lily Bay, and visited The Moosehead Lake Historical Society. For a perfect last night in the area, the couple decided to take a scenic moose watching tour. While on their tour, they couple saw two moose; one on the way to the pond and one on the pond feeding. They also got to see deer, hares, and loons on their moose tour. The husband was delighted to see loons, because of an old Abenaki Indian legend about Medawisla the Magic Loon. The couple more than enjoyed their tour and their visit to the Moosehead Lake region and hope to come back next year!
Wednesday, August 1, 2012
Beautiful Morning Moose Tours!
This morning, we had a group of eight go on a morning moose safari with us. The group was made up of two couples from Virgina, and a family from Wisconsin. The morning was foggy and pretty warm for a morning in Maine. The group saw a total of two moose while on their tour; one on the pond, and one on the way back from the pond. The group also got a chance to see other awesome Maine wildlife like deer, loons, foxes, and hares. Just another beautiful scenic moose tour with Northeast Guide Service.
Scenic Moose Tours of Maine
On Monday we had two moose tours go out. The first tour was a morning moose tour for a couple from Texas. It was a very foggy morning, but that's always good for a moose sighting. While on their morning moose safari, the couple saw three moose! They also saw other great wildlife such as loons on the pond, hares, and two hawks. The second tour of the day was an evening moose safari for a group of nine. The group was made up of a family from Pennsylvania, a family from Mass, and a family from Rhode Island. While on their tour, the group saw only moose but saw plenty of other Maine wildlife like deer, loons, hares, and foxes, and even a lynx! With plenty of wildlife and moose to be seen in Maine summer time is the perfect time to take a moose tour!
Best Family Vacation Ideas
On Sunday, we had a big moose tour go out for 11 people! The group was made up of a couple from Casco, Maine, a family from Florida, and a family from Germany. The weather was calm and beautiful. While on their tour, this big group saw one moose on the side of the road on the way to the pond. The group also got to see some other great Maine wildlife such as deer, loons, and even a couple turkey vultures! Although only one moose was spotted during the tour the group had a lot of fun on the pond sharing stories and gig-gab over the their vacations they've spent on Moosehead Lake. All in all another great tour with great people!
evening canoe moose tours,
Moose Safari with Northeast Guide Service,
moose safaris,
northeast guide service
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