Show me an example Maine Moose Tracks - Greenville Maine Moose Watching Tours: Do You Want The Good News...Or The Better News?

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Do You Want The Good News...Or The Better News?

On one of our always wonderful Moose Safaris one outdoorsmen joined us on a private canoe trip. the weather was partly cloudy but nothing a nature explorer can't handle! During our safari we saw 4 moose, 1 bull, 3 cow, 2 love birds...I mean loons, 3 hare, and one fox! Our guest had a great time and we were both lucky to see all of that wildlife but especially the fox, sneaky little creatures! Now the saying here in Maine is if you don't like the weather wait a minute and this next tour is proof that we abide by that saying. It was a Beautiful sunny day and along with us on the tour were a group of four people which happened to be extremely nice... could have been the nice weather causing all the upbeat vibes or maybe it was the moose! Paddling along we saw a grand total of 10 MOOSE! It was an amazing sight! we also saw 2 bull, 4 cow, 4 yearling, 1 hare, 2 loons, a couple cute woodchucks, and ducks followed by there little fir ball chicks! It was a great day to see northern Maine wildlife! This is why we encourage people to join us on our Moose Tours and Moose Safaris, you just don't see nature anywhere else like you do on one of our adventures! Our Guides are awesome and really know their stuff and theres really just nothing like it!

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